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We want justice for victims of child abuse in Europe

The abuse of children and the lack of historical reappraisal is a pan-European problem. Tens of thousands of victims all over Europe live among us. To this day, these victims suffer from the abuse that was done to them in the past. In a few countries in Europe, efforts have been made to redress their suffering. In most countries, a serious confrontation with the abuse has not taken place.

The Justice Initiative wants to change this.

International conference in Stasbourg

On December 5-6, 2024, Justice Initiative, led by the Guido Fluri Foundation, organised an international conference in Strasbourg – together with the Commission for Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the Swiss delegation to the CoE Parliamentary Assembly – at the Palais de l’Europe, to show how reappraisal can work.

Motion to the Council of Europe accepted

The Council of Europe has adopted the Justice Initiative motion. It demands the reappraisal of child abuse cases and forms of reparation in its member states.

541,401 signatures delivered to the EU

The intense work carried out by Justice Initiative in recent months culminated on Wednesday 6 December with the handing over to the European Union (EU) authorities of signatures supporting the petition calling for a Europe and an internet #safeforkids.

Learn more about the campaigns in the different countries

Different campaigns are being launched in the individual countries aiming to change legislation around the child abuse cases specific to the country’s history. Learn more about the fights that are being led on a national level.

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